Extra Early Hybrid
Duration:100-105 days

Key Features

  • Non-Lodging

  • Less water requirement

  • Better yield in same segment

  • Suitable for upland rice ecosystem

  • Moderately tolerant to BLB & BPH

Technical recommendations

Seed rate

6 kg/ acre for Hybrid

Nursery Management

Prepare nursery area thoroughly by repeated ploughing, puddling and uniform levelling. Prepare seed beds of one-meter width and any length as per convenience and provide adequate drainage facility. Apply 250 kg FYM, 2 kg Urea, 1.5 kg DAP and 0.5 kg MOP for every 100 Sq.m. area.
Soak 6 kg of hybrid seeds in water for 15-20 hours and treat the pre-soaked seeds with Carbendazim (50% WP) ®2 g/lit. of water. Incubate the seeds in gunny bags for 36-48 hours to ensure better sprouting and sow the sprouted seeds sparsely and uniformly @ 50-60 g of seed per square meter area.

Main Field Management

Prepare main field thoroughly by repeated ploughing followed by puddling and apply the recommended dose of FYM two weeks before transplanting. Complete dose of DAP, MOP and Chelamin a day before transplanting followed by thorough levelling. Transplant 21-25 days old seedlings at the rate of 1 seedling per hill at 2-3 cm depth.
The spacing of 20 x 15 cm is essential to ensure a plant population of 33 per square meter area

Water Management
Maintain 2-3 cm level of water for initial 30 days and later increase the water level to 4-5 cm when the crop reaches maximum tillering stage and drain out water for 4-5 days so that emergence of late tillers can be suppressed. Drain out water completely 10 days before harvest.

Harvesting, Threshing and Yield

Drain out water from the field when grains in the lowest portion of the panicle are in the dough stage (about 20 days from 50% flowering). Allow the grains to harden. Harvest when 80-85% of the grains turn golden yellow and stalks remain green to avoid grain shedding. Thresh as early as possible preferably a day after harvest. Dry gradually under shade and not direct drying under the sun until the moisture content is brought down to 12-14 per cent, which ensures better milling quality and storage.

© Limagrain Field Seeds India 2024