MAIZE: LG 36611

Suitable for high yield environments in Rabi Season

Grain Colour Orange
Grain Texture Semi Flint
No of Rows: 12-14
Shelling% 80%-82%

Recommended Geography

Rabi sowing areas of Andhra Pradesh

Key Features

  • Highly consistent and stable

  • Attractive orange colour grain

  • Excellent cob uniformity

  • Good heap appeal

Technical recommendations

Selection of Hybrids

Select the best and High yielding Rabi Hybrid suitable for respective location.

Selection of Lands and Preparation

  • Select the leveled suitable heavy or light soil with good water holding capacity and proper drainage to avoid excess of water stagnation.

  • Follow the sowing method either Flat bed (Bihar) or ridge and furrow (Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh) or line sowing / Zero tillage (Coastal AP) based on respective local practice.

  • Space recommendation for Bihar : row to row 50cm and plant to plant 18cm

  • Space recommendation for Andhra & Telangana :

    • For Zero tillage : row to row 60cm and plant to plant 20cm-22.5cm

    • For line sowing : row to row 60cm and plant to plant 20cm

Application of Organic Fertilizers:

  • Application of farm yard manure at 6-8 ton per acre

Sowing and Spacing

  • Sowing will plan between November to December

  • Always take shallow depth sowing depth for good germination but sandy soil needs to increase the depth of sowing.

  • Maintain Good moisture level for better seed gemination.


  • Application of Zinc sulphate should not be mix with DAP or any other fertilizer. 5Kg of Zinc sulphate should be mix with 15-20Kg of soil and apply for 1 acre of field.

  • Application of Micronutrients is essential if soil was deficient of micronutrients

Weeds Management and Inter cultivation:

  • Application of Pre-emergent Herbicide is essential to protect from weeds at early stage: Atrazine (50% WP) @ 400-800 gms/acre based on the weed intensity

  • Atrazine & Surfactant spray can be applied as per specific company instruction.

  • Need to protect the crop by manual weeding followed by earthing up for better protection from weeds.

  • If there is a difficulty in Manual weeding, then go for post emergent herbicide: Tembotrione (Laudis) @ 150ml/Acre or Topramezone (Tynzer) @ 30ml/acre (Use the instruction recommended by the specific company).

Critical stages for Irrigations:

  • Seedling stage

  • Knee-height stage

  • Flowering stage

  • Grain filling stage

  • Hardening stage

  • Note: In case if the soils are heavy, irrigation should be light & frequent. However, adjust the number of irrigations based on environmental conditions.

  • Avoid excessive irrigation or water stagnation in the field up to 30-35 days.

Pest Management: (Major pest: Fall Armyworm (FAW) & Stem Borer)

  • For control of Fall Armyworm: Spray of Spinetoram (Delegate) @ 200 ml per acre in 200 L of water. For better control of FAW always spray the chemical to Whorl of maize plants.

  • Stemborer: Thiamethoxam 12.60% +Lambda-Cyhalothrin 09.5% ZC (Alika 247 ZC), Dosage to be as per company instruction.


  • Check the black layer formation in grain before harvest and harvest at 12-15 % moisture level in grains

  • Harvest at less than 25% moisture in grain and later dry at proper condition to reduce the grain moisture level.

© Limagrain Field Seeds India 2024