MAIZE: LG 36505

Suitable for Medium to Low Yield Environments in Kharif Season

Grain Colour Orange
Grain Texture Semi Flint
No of Rows: 12-14
Shelling% 80%-84%

Recommended Geography

Karnataka/Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan

Key Features

  • Attractive orange colour grain

  • Good ear uniformity with excellent heap appeal

  • Good standability

Hybrid Information

Maturity Medium – 110-120 days
Plant Height 200-205 cm
Ear Placement 100-105 cm
Cob Placement Medium
Husk Cover Medium
Shank Colour White

Technical recommendations

Selection of Land

Maize can be grown in varied kind of soil. Select the levelled suitable heavy or light soil with good water holding capacity and proper drainage to avoid water stagnation.

Preparation of Land

  • Deep ploughing is required once or twice depending upon soil condition followed by levelling up of the soil.

  • Prepare straight ridges 60cm space between the rows.

  • Ensure that soil have enough moisture for seed to germinate

Application of Organic Fertilizers:

  • Application of Farm yard manure at 3 to 5 ton per acre (2 months before sowing)

  • Green manure also can apply to improve the soil fertility (Based on Availability)

Sowing and Spacing:

  • Spacing should be maintain 60 cm between row to rows and 20-22.5 cm between plant to plant

  • Sowing will plan based on rainfall between Mid-June to First week of July.

  • Always shallow sowing depth is recommended for good germination (Avoid deep sowing)

  • Maintain Good moisture level for better seed gemination


  • Application of Zinc sulphate should not be mix with DAP or any other fertilizer. 5Kg of Zinc sulphate should be mix with 15-20Kg of soil and apply for 1 acre of field.

  • Application of Micronutrients is essential if soil was deficient of micronutrients

Weeds Management and Inter cultivation:

  • Application of Pre-emergent Herbicide is essential to protect from weeds at early stage: Atrazine (50% WP) @ 400-800 gms/acre based on the weed intensity

  • Atrazine & Surfactant spray can be applied as per specific company instruction.

  • Need to protect the crop by manual weeding followed by earthing up for better protection from weeds.

  • If there is a difficulty in Manual weeding then go for post emergent herbicide: Tembotrione (Laudis) @ 150ml/Acre or Topramezone (Tynzer) @ 30ml/acre (Use the instruction recommended by the specific company).

Critical stages for Irrigations:

  • Seedling stage

  • Knee-height stage

  • Flowering stage

  • Grain filling stage

  • Hardening stage

Pest Management: (Major pest: Fall Armyworm (FAW) & Stem Borer)

  • For control of Fall Armyworm: Spray of Spinetoram (Delegate) @ 200 ml per acre in 200 L of water. For better control of FAW always spray the chemical to Whorl of maize plants .

  • Stemborer: Thiamethoxam 12.60% +Lambda-Cyhalothrin 09.5% ZC (Alika 247 ZC) ,Dosage to be as per company instruction.


  • Check the black layer formation in grain before harvest and harvest at 12-15 % moisture level in grains

  • Harvest at less than 25% moisture in grain and later dry at proper condition to reduce the grain moisture level.

© Limagrain Field Seeds India 2024